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Schools at Irchel

  • Welcome

    Photo: Ursula Meisser, UZH

Campus Life


Prior to the Kantonsschule Zürich Nord's moving in, the school wings will be visited by both teaching staff and pupils. During the last week of summer vacations (Thursday, 15th of August), teachers and employees of Kantonsschule Zürich Nord will be familiarized with the new school environment through guided tours by UZH members. Pupils will get to know the Irchel campus during the first week of school after the summer vacation with the support of UZH students. Are you interested in helping with these tours and contributing your expertise? Then please get in touch with Maresa Knaus (

Members of UZH Irchel will have the opportunity to visit the school buildings at the beginning of summer. Further information will follow on this website.

All UZH members will be regularly informed via this website and other communication channels before and after the Kantonsschule Zürich Nord's moving in.

Coordinator during Interim Use of Campus Irchel

From summer 2024, a coordinator will accompany the interim use of the Irchel campus. He/she is the central contact person for all matters relating to interim use. He/she also ensures – with your support – a smoothly running everyday life and initiates and facilitates joint teaching and learning projects.

Jointly Used Areas

During interim use, the UZH house regulations apply to UZH areas. UZH and the schools will work together to ensure that daily business on both sides run as smoothly as possible during interim use. Especially in the initial period, challenges and questions may arise on the UZH floor connections (faculty axes), which are used by pupils to change floors and school wings. If challenges and questions cannot be resolved bilaterally, the Coordinator Interim Use Campus Irchel will be assisting in due course.

Mobility and Orientation

School staff will get to the Irchel campus in different ways. The access routes will be signposted and communicated accordingly.

  • The Zurich Public Transport company (VBZ) will take appropriate measures to ensure the transportation of additional people.
  • Sufficient parking spaces for bicycles are available in the schoolyard for pupils and school staff.
  • Parking spaces for scooters and motorcycles are available between the UZH delivery area and the Irchel parking garage (building Y21, level D).
  • For teachers who drive to school by car, there are sufficient parking spaces available in the parking garage.

The UZH overview maps  with search input, e.g. for specific buildings or canteens, can be found here.


The school's catering is provided in their own rooms. On the one hand, a canteen (Y12, level E) with its own kitchen is available for this purpose. On the other hand, microwave stations are installed. If necessary, classrooms are opened during lunch break upon instructions by the school management. Two lunch shifts are planned in the timetable, during which pupils may eat. In the communication to the pupils, the overcrowding of the UZH canteen at lunchtime is also addressed.

From the fall semester 2024, the following new catering facilities will be available  at Irchel:

  • A small food truck park with covered seating is to be created on the Strickhof site. This will relieve the UZH cafeteria during lesson times and create a more diversified catering offer.
  • On the other hand, the lecturers' foyer (in Y22) – provided the room is not booked for events – will be converted back into a catering zone. Additional microwaves will be available there. This will also relieve the UZH cafeteria.

Events and Alcohol Consumption

It is up to the organizers of the respective event to define who their offer or their events are aimed at. If pupils are admitted to the events, those responsible for serving alcohol must check their age in accordance with current legislation.

Pupils are prohibited from consuming alcohol during school hours in accordance with the house rules of the Kantonsschule.