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Schools at Irchel


Interview with Ava Moll, future coordinator for interim use of Campus Irchel

Ava, what attracted you to apply for the position of Interim Use Coordinator Irchel?
Ava Moll: I applied for the position because I saw the opportunity to be involved in a unique and very community-oriented pioneering project as a bridge builder. The chance to contribute to creating a lively campus atmosphere and to ideally combine the interests of the two educational institutions and cultures particularly appealed to me. As a social anthropologist, I have always been fascinated by the coexistence of different groups – a project like this thus aroused my curiosity and motivation.

How do you envision your work?
I'm particularly looking forward to working closely with the various people involved and finding solutions together for the challenges that arise from this kind of interim use. I am prepared for the fact that the organization of living together might be challenging at first. But I am also looking forward all the more to exciting times when joint projects can be realized.

What do you mainly want to tackle in the first few days?
In the first few days, I would like to focus primarily on getting to know the various people involved better and, by getting to know them, to understand their needs in the new situation. I see a certain familiarity as fundamental to my role – you don't confide in someone you don't know, whether it's positive or negative.

Why do you think you are particularly suited to the job?
I previously worked in various positions, including as a research assistant at the Swiss Embassy in Oslo and as a member of the President in the UZH General Secretariat. This allowed me to gain a wide range of experience, which I can draw on in my new position. I enjoy organizing projects and see myself as an open and approachable person who knows how to get in touch with many different groups of people on an equal footing.

What do you do to balance out your work?
In my free time, I enjoy doing sports, spending a lot of time in nature and doing creative things with my hands. I love flowers, for example, and attend a floristry course. I'm also a real bookworm – my goal is to read at least 30 books this year.

What does the Irchel interim use of your dreams look like...?
In the interim use of my dreams, the Irchel campus would be a lively center where students, teachers, pupils and researchers benefit equally – both from each other and from the new situation. I see an inclusive community in which ideas are exchanged and joint projects are realized. I look forward to working with those involved to get such projects off the ground. We will define together what exactly this will look like.

Where can people meet you at the Irchel?
I start work on 5 August. My office is located in room Y13-J01. You will usually find me there, but I am always mobile and willing to meet people in other places on campus. You are welcome to contact me at any time or make an appointment to get to know me personally and discuss any concerns you may have about interim use.

Thank you for this interview, Ava. We are looking forward to the collaboration with you!